The Lawyer You Choose Will Have a Direct Impact on the Outcome of Your Case

Western New York Personal Injury Law Blog

The Lawyer You Choose Will Have a Direct Impact on the Outcome of Your Case

When it comes to personal injury claims, the attorney you choose to represent you makes a difference. Relatively few lawyers have actually taken cases to trial and obtained verdicts to force insurance companies to pay more money than they wanted to. The lawyers at [nap_names id=”FIRM-NAME-1″] do that on a regular basis. In fact, Colin Campbell recently received statewide recognition in the New York Law Journal for obtaining two of the highest verdicts in the state in 2019.

Insurance firms are experts at weighing risks. Their knowledge and analysis provide them insight that generates significant revenues. They know that the lawyers who are unwilling or unable to take cases to trial will settle claims relatively cheaply, leaving more money for the insurance company. They also know that when they are dealing with lawyers who have a track record of taking cases to trial and winning, they will have to pay significantly more to resolve the case (or risk being held accountable by a jury).

Insurance companies see trial attorneys as a real threat

The best lawyers are those who are always willing and able to fight for their clients, even if that involves a trial. Their goal is to maximize the compensation that their client deserves, regardless of how difficult that may be for them. Any attorney can negotiate a lowball settlement with an insurance company and call it a “win” when it is actually a win for the insurance carrier. It takes a TRIAL attorney to properly handle a personal injury case and obtain full and fair compensation for the client.


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