Steering Clear of Crashes on New York’s Deadliest Roads

Western New York Personal Injury Law Blog

Steering Clear of Crashes on New York’s Deadliest Roads

Crashes can happen on any New York roadway, whether it’s the street outside your home or the interstate you use to commute for work. However, some roads are especially perilous.

While it may not be possible to avoid the most dangerous areas in Western New York entirely, a few of which we discuss below, it is possible to minimize your chances of getting into an accident.

The danger is not just on the highways

Highways and interstates may be where people drive the fastest, but speed is not the only indicator of a dangerous road.

For instance, the deadliest area in Western New York is where Niagara Falls Blvd. meets I-190. This road is frequently congested with commuters and outlet mall shoppers. And the commercial density means a steady stream of cars are entering and leaving the road.

Roads like Niagara Falls Blvd. highlight the fact that cars do not have to drive over 60 to cause catastrophic damage. Rear-end collisions, T-boning vehicles at an intersection and striking pedestrians crossing a poorly marked road can all prove to be just as deadly as crashes on any other type of road.

There is no one type of dangerous driver

It is tempting to blame every preventable crash on a drunk, distracted, or reckless individual. And indeed, these parties are a threat to every person with whom they share the road.

However, other factors can make roads more dangerous. Some elements could include:

  • Poorly marked crosswalks
  • Lack of bike or pedestrians lanes
  • Traffic signals that do not give people the time to make safe turns
  • Confusing traffic patterns

These and other factors are evident at most of the dangerous roads in this area. So, even when drivers follow the law and drive safely, they can still get hit or strike another vehicle.

How to protect yourself

Avoiding dangerous roads altogether may simply not be an option. However, you can protect yourself from a crash on these streets and roadways by:

  • Always wearing your seatbelt
  • Giving yourself enough time for the trip, so you are not rushing
  • Being aware of pedestrians and bicyclists, not just other motorists
  • Driving defensively
  • Using your lights and mirrors to increase your visibility

These measures may not completely prevent car crashes, but they can reduce your risk of becoming a tragic statistic.


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